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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Agrarian Reform

PBD MES & Library

Agrarian Reform Infrastructure Support Project

Phase iii

Project Profile





ICC Approval : July 2006

NEDA Board Approval : September 2006

JBIC-GOP Project M/D : February 2007

FOA : June 20, 2007

L/A Signing : December 2007

Loan Effectiveness : April 2008

  • NG-LGU cost-sharing per ICC 2003 guidelines with additional 20% Performance-based grant (with BLGF)

  • Explore existing gov’t  structure/ buildings for AIM-C purposes

  • GOP counterpart funds to finance Institutional Agriculture/Agribusiness Development

icc conditionalities

About 129 ARCs in 53 provinces

 68,330 Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs).

April 2008 - April 2014.

Coverage and Duration


1. Civil Works 1


2. Civil Works 2 (PWS)

3. Equipment

4. Consulting Services


1. General administration         expenses

2. Taxes and duties

3. Insti Devt

4. Agri & Agribuss

5. Provincial AIM-C

6. Indirect costs

ARISP III Components and Accomplishments

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