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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Agrarian Reform

PBD MES & Library

Farm to Market Road 

This covered the construction, rehabilitation and improvement of barangay roads and related structures in the ARCs and the rehabilitation of improvement of critical access roads and bridges within and outside the ARCs. The subprojects serve to improve the efficiency of commodity flow and mobility of people within, to and from the ARCs, to promote agribusiness, livelihood and domestic activities

A total of 172 subprojects were constructed/ rehabilitated by the ARISP III consisting of 160 FMR and 12 bridges with a total length of 700.784 kilometers and 1,694.40 linear meters, respectively. These are located in 135 ARCs and 54 provinces. Of the 135 ARCs, 123 were provided with one FMR subproject each, four with one bridge and eight  with a combination  of FMR and bridge subprojects each.

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