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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Agrarian Reform

PBD MES & Library


The role of the PMS in DAR is to spearhead/coordinate the preparation and negotiation of projects for foreign or local funding and to monitor and evaluate the implementation of funded projects. It serves as clearing house of project proposals generated from the field and central offices for foreign or local funding. It is linked to the concerned regional PBD Divisions and provincial PBD Divisions to enable a more effective system of planning, evaluation, and monitoring of development projects for ARBs.

In general, the PMS is handling project packaging for official development assistance (ODA) financing, oversight for the pre- and the implementation of all FAPs, ARF long list of validated projects, and the monitoring and evaluation of foreign-assisted and locally-funded projects. Specifically, the PMS is tasked to:

1.    Initiate and/or provide technical support for the development of projects by the DAR Central and field offices in accordance with approved priority areas for local and foreign funding;
2.    Package project proposals according to technical feasibility. Administrative/managerial capability, financial and economic feasibility, social acceptability and other criteria prescribed by the NEDA-Investment Coordination Committee;
3.    Develop systems, procedure and guidelines for the preparation of sound project proposals for local and foreign funding;
4.    Oversee and coordinate pre-implementation and implementation of all FAPs of the Department;
5.    Assist all DAR units in fund-sourcing from foreign and local sources, for development projects;
6.    Monitor and evaluate the implementation of all foreign and ARF/locally-funded projects including the management of the accounts of terminated DAR credit programs such as the DRDAP, SPO and other special projects;
7.    Establish an integrated PBD M&E System; and
8.    Coordinate with the PARC Secretariat and other CARP implementing agencies the programming, validation and monitoring of support services projects funded under the Agrarian Reform Fund (ARF).

Prior to the approval of the Rationalization Plan, PMS had three (3) divisions: Project Development Division, Project Monitoring and Evaluation Division, and Project Accounts and management Division, with a total of 31 personnel complement.  Starting in 2014, the PMS has a reduced number of divisions, from three (3) to two (2): Project Monitoring and Evaluation Division and the Project Management and resource Mobilization Division, with a total of 28 personnel complement.


The PMS derives its mandate from Section 14 of Presidential Executive Order (EO) No. 129-A, Series of 1987 which created the Planning and Project Management Office (PPMO) to perform the following functions: 

1.    To coordinate and initiate the development, integration, and prioritization of plans, programs, and projects of the Department; 
2.    To monitor and evaluate agrarian reform program, and implementation; 
3.    To establish linkages with foreign funding institutions; and 
4.    To coordinate activities of the different offices, bureaus, and attached agencies of the Department. 

As one of the units under the PPMO, the PMS was tasked under DAR Memorandum Order (MO) No. 8, Series of 1987, to spearhead/coordinate the preparation and negotiation of projects for foreign or local funding and to monitor and evaluate the implementation of funded development projects.

In December 1996, the PDMS was assigned by the DAR SO No. 886, Series of 1996 as the technical secretariat of the newly created Executive Committee for all Foreign-Assisted Projects (FAPs).

In order to synchronize the activities and promote better coordination and efficient management in the planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of FAPs under the Department, DAR Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2, Series of 1997 was issued. It clearly delineated and clarified the roles of the different DAR offices involved in FAPs. 

DAR MC No. 21, Series of 1997, further clarified the role of PDMS with respect to FAPs with its mandate that all PMOs are to be supervised by the SSO, specifically the PDMS. It directed all PMOs, DAR Regional and Provincial Units to secure clearance from PDMS on all matters pertaining to GOP counterpart funds, loan proceeds, grant of honoraria, and staffing/hiring.

Per DAR MC No. 27, series of 1997, PDMS was restructured to be more responsive to DAR’s new policy directions regarding PBD, which is focused on ARCs, and to address the increasing demand for resource mobilization especially from the foreign donor community and financing institutions for the development of said ARCs. DAR Special Order No. 1068, Series of 1997 was also issued, designating the PDMS Director as the FAPsO Executive Director, tasked to organize and oversee the management and operations of the FAPs; ensure that all FAPs are mainstreamed in the DAR Structure; and ensure smooth flow of official development assistance (ODA) funds to expedite the delivery of support services to the ARCs covered by FAPs.

Being an ad-hoc body, the FAPsO does not have its own plantilla nor its own budget, thus the PDMS provides the technical staff support required by FAPsO, supported by a team of specialists/consultants hired when needed.  For financial and administrative support Services, DAR-FMAO/FIMAS staff were designated to handle FAPsO financial and admin matters, supported by some contractual staff.

In 2013 by virtue of the approved DAR Rationalization Plan, the PDMS was renamed Project Management Service (PMS) and its divisions were reduced from three (3) to two (2), namely, Project Management and Resource Mobilization Division (PMRMD) and Project Monitoring and Evaluation Division (PMED).  Nonetheless, the following four major functions were retained and enhanced: (a) Project Development, (b) Resource Mobilization, (c) Project Management, and (d) Program Monitoring and Evaluation.

At present, PMS is performing all these four major functions including the programs and projects under the Program Beneficiaries Development (PBD) component of CARP as directed by the DAR Secretary.

Project Management Service

In 1993 to bring down project development and fund sourcing activities to the field offices, the Project Management Staff (PMS) was transferred to the Field Operations and Support Service Group through the issuance of DAR Special Order (SO) No. 91, Series of 1993. Furthermore, through DAR SO No. 422, Series of 1993, the PMS which was renamed by the same SO as the Project Development and Management Staff (PDMS), was tasked to serve as clearing house of project proposals generated from the field and central offices for foreign or local funding. It was also functionally linked to the regional offices’ Project Development and Implementation Division (PDID) and to the provincial offices’ Beneficiaries and Development Coordination Division (BDCD) to ensure a more effective system or project/ agrarian reform community (ARC) planning, evaluation, and monitoring of all agrarian reform projects particularly for ARCs. Specifically, the PDMS was mandated to perform functions related to development of systems, procedures and guidelines for the preparation of project proposals; provision of technical support to the various DAR offices in the development and implementation of projects, in particular, on-going ODA projects of the Department; provision of assistance in resource mobilization; and monitoring and evaluation of all foreign and locally-funded projects under the ARF.

Von Mark Mendoza

OIC-Director IV for Project Management Service (PMS)

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