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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Agrarian Reform

PBD MES & Library

Vision, Mission, and Goals

Contributing to the over-all vision of the Department: “A nation where there is equitable land ownership with empowered agrarian reform beneficiaries who are effectively managing their economic and social development for a better quality of life”, the SSO is responsible in providing/implementing  Program Beneficiaries Development (PBD) or Technical Advisory and Support Services (TASS), a major component of CARP and a Major Final Output #4 of the DAR, towards the attainment of following mission:

Given its mission of essentially ensuring the delivery of support services towards transforming agrarian reform areas into vibrant and self-reliant communities that shall serve as engines of sustainable agro-enterprise development, the SSO, with its delivery units (BARBD, PMS, regional and provincial PBD), shall endeavor to achieve the following PBD  Key Result Areas and Performance Indicators:

“A dynamic, resourceful, service-oriented and results-focused team, committed in championing the empowerment of agrarian reform beneficiaries and self-reliant communities, as policy entrepreneurs and prime mover providing technical leadership in the development of responsive and innovative policies, programs and projects on PBD and as partner of key stakeholders in mobilizing resources to sustain the gains of CARP and make a difference in the lives of the agrarian reform beneficiaries.”


  • Increased productivity/yield of awarded lands

  • Increased incomes of ARBs and ARB Households

    • ARBs managing profitable agri-enterprises

  • Functional/strengthened ARBOs/FOs and improved well being of ARBs

    • ARBOs managing profitable agri-business enterprises

Key Output Indicators:

  • ARBs trained on capacity building, farm productivity improvement and enterprise

  • ARB organizations (ARBOs)/FOs assisted/provided  with technical and ancillary support for profitable business enterprise operations

  • ARBs and rural women provided with credit and  micro-finance services

  • Landowners (LOs) provided services on investment promotion, financial and counselling assistance, etc. 

SSO Organizational  Structure and Personnel

The Support Services Office (SSO), headed by an Undersecretary and with an Assistant Secretary,  has two (2) major units: the Bureau of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development (BARBD) and the Project management Service (PMS) at the national/central office level.  The  Offices of the Undersecretary and the Assistant Secretary, BARBD and PMS are the PBD units responsible for PBD direction setting; policy development and advocacy; and ensuring that all PBD policies and directions are implemented at all levels.  

At the regional level, the Regional Director, through the PBD Division, is responsible for ensuring that all PBD policies and directions are implemented at the regional level; while , at the provincial level,  the PARPO II, through the PBD Division, is primarily responsible for ensuring PBD implementation .  They are responsible in integrating, synchronizing and coordinating all PBD-related activities, and ensuring delivery  of targets at the regional and provincial levels, respectively.




Office (SSO)

Mandate and Functions of SSO and its Units

Chapter IX-Section 35 of R.A. 6657, known as the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform law (CARL), provides for the  creation of the Support Services Offices under the DAR to provide general support and coordinative  services in the implementation of the CARP, particularly in carrying out the provisions of  the following  services to the farmer-beneficiaries and affected landowners:

   a. Irrigation facilities, especially second crop or dry season irrigation facilities;

   b. Infrastructure development and public works project;

   c. Government subsidies for the use of irrigation facilities;

   d. Price support and guarantee for all agricultural produce;

   e. Extending to small landowners, farmers and farmers’ organizations the necessary credit for agri-industrialization;

   f. Promoting, developing and extending financial assistance to small- and medium-scale industries in agrarian areas;

   g. Assigning sufficient numbers of agricultural extension workers to farmers’ organizations;

   h. Undertake research, development and dissemination of information on agrarian reform and low-cost and ecologically sound farm inputs and technologies;

   i. Development of cooperative management skills through intensive training;

   j. Assistance in the identification of ready markets for agricultural produce and training in other various aspects of marketing; and Administration, operation, management and funding of support       services programs and projects including pilot projects and models related to agrarian reform as developed by the DAR.


In addition, R.A. 6657,  as amended by RA. 9700 (under Section 14) in 2009,  mandates that the following support services are provided to farmer-beneficiaries:


   a. Land surveys and titling;

   b. Socialized terms on agricultural credit and facilities;

 c. Extension services by way of planting, cropping, production and post-harvest technology transfer, as well as marketing and management assistance and support to cooperatives and farmers’ organizations;

   d. Infrastructures such as, but not limited to, access trails, mini-dams, public utilities, marketing and storage facilities;;

   e. Research, production and use of organic fertilizers and other local substances necessary in farming and cultivation; and,

   f. Direct and active assistance in the education and organization of actual and potential ARBs.


Moreover, Section 15 of R.A. 9700 mandates the provision of equal support services to rural women-ARBs, while Section 16 provides with the assistance of other government agencies and instrumentalities, the following services to affected landowners:.


   a. Investment information, financial and counselling assistance;

   b. Facilities, programs and schemes for the conversion or exchange of bonds issued for payment of the lands acquired with stocks and bonds issued by the government institutions and instrumentalities;

   c. Marketing for AR bonds; and,

   d. Other services designed to utilize productively the proceeds of the sale of lands.

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