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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Agrarian Reform

PBD MES & Library

The Office of the Undersecretary

The Office of the Undersecretary (Office) is responsible in formulating overall thrusts, policies and directions of PBD.  As such, the office is the enabler in the development of responsive and innovative programs and projects on PBD, which are being implemented by BARBD, PMS, and field units, and thus, takes charge of the annual PBD work and financial target setting, It also serves as the clearing house for the development and implementation of both locally-funded and foreign assisted projects.   However, starting year 2015, the management of foreign assisted projects and some special projects are lodged at the Office of the Undersecretary for Foreign Assisted and Special Projects (FASPO).

The core functions of the Office  are the following:

1.    Provides policy directions, supervises implementation and ensures coordinative mechanisms for PBD
2.    Oversees the overall operations of Programs / Projects, both local and foreign funded
3.    Ensures installation of PBD integrated M&E System
4.    Installs mechanisms for the conduct of PBD Sectoral assessment and Planning session
5.    Spearheads development of PBD Planning and programming and management system  
6.    Install sectoral feed backing / learning mechanism


Rowena Niña O. Taduran

Undersecretary for support services office

Prior to the rationalization, the Office had three (3) divisions: the SS Programs Development Division (PDD), SS Resources Division (RD), and the SS Monitoring & Evaluation Division (MED) with a personnel complement of 31, making a total personnel complement of 38, including 7 personnel directly under the Undersecretary.  The filled up positions then totalled to 21.


Under the 2014 Approved Staffing Pattern (ASP), all three (3) divisions were abolished and only 6 plantilla items are retained occupying coterminous positions, except for Administrative Aide VI, as presented below:

At present, the Office is organized to handle the policy, programming, and operations support and the technical, administrative and finance support. For the policy, programming and operations support unit, a CARPO has been detailed from BARBD. Under it is the Farm Productivity and Resiliency Support Division, which manages the Climate Resilient and Farm Productivity Support Program composed of two permanent staff from BARBD as OIC CARPO and SUARPO with a total of 12 staff complement (1 PARO, 1 AE II and 10 COS). 
The Enhanced Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty is handled by four staff (1 CTI and 3 COS) while 1 COS handles the GAD concerns. 

The technical, administrative and finance support group handles the administrative and finance concerns, document tracking and logistics support and program coordination, monitoring and social media support composed of 21 staff complement (5 Co-Term staff, 1 SUARPO detailed from PAMRS and 15 COS). 


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