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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Agrarian Reform

PBD MES & Library

The Assistant Secretary, upon the designation and authorization from the Secretary, has been continuously serving as a regular member and now as Vice-Chair of the DAR Central Office Bids and Awards Committee (BAC).

1. This involves the provision of guidance and direction in project development and resource mobilization, specifically on: a) project identification and packaging of project proposals to help improve productivity and income of ARB households in the Agrarian reform Communities (ARCs) and other AR areas; and b) ground working /expanding linkages with Development Partners (DPs), other national Government Agencies (NGAs), Oversight Agencies (NEDA, DOF, DBM, DFA, OP) for ODA and local resource generation for ARB/AC development projects.


2. This involves the installation and implementation of the Monitoring & Evaluation System for FAPs as well as locally-funded projects;  close coordination and consultation with Oversight Agencies and Development Partners in the preparation of consolidated ODA Portfolio Reports (quarterly and annually), progress monitoring of ongoing FAPs and BUB projects; conduct of Sustainability monitoring and evaluation (SME) of completed rural infrastructure subprojects/facilities under FAPs as well as locally-funded programs, and consolidation/analyses of the results of the SME.

​The  Office of the Assistant Secretary

The Assistant Secretary provides assistance to the Undersecretary in all SSO matters and, in the absence of the Undersecretary, acts for and on her behalf.  She also represents the Department in various multi-sectoral and technical committees of other national government agencies.

Among the core functions and final outputs of the Office of the Assistant Secretary include the following:

•  Supervision and guidance on project development to the PMS, with the field offices, on the various project development and resource mobilization initiatives, in close coordination with the Development Partners (DPs).   
•  Guidance and direction to Project Management Offices/Units in the implementation and management of approved projects funded with loans and/or grants under Official Development Assistance (ODA), in her capacity as the designated Deputy Project Implementation Officer (PIO) for FAPs.  As such, the Assistant Secretary ensures that all pre-implementation requirements/conditions for loan/grant effectivity are complied with; chairs/participates in project review/assessment meetings of Project Steering Committees (PSCs), Donor Review Missions,  Oversight Agencies, etc. of various FAPs; chairs/participates in meetings of  Sub-Project Approval Committees (SACs) for the review/deliberation of proposed rural infrastructure subprojects as well as other subprojects under the other project components.
• Guidance and direction in the monitoring and evaluation of ongoing FAPs as well as locally funded projects, specifically, the Bottom-Up Budget (BUB) programs/projects.   
• Provides assistance to the Office of the Undersecretary in monitoring PBD activities with other agencies providing support services in the ARCs to ensure synchronization of agency initiatives.

The Assistant Secretary, upon the designation and authorization from the Secretary, has been continuously serving as a regular member and now as Vice-Chair of the DAR Central Office Bids and Awards Committee (BAC).


Assistant Secretary for support services office

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