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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Agrarian Reform

PBD MES & Library

Irrigation Development

This covered the construction of Communal Irrigation Projects (CIPs)/Systems (CISs), including diversion structures,  canalization and other facilities, as well as the development of the capacity of the LGUs POs, as subject-organizations, who are responsible for the operation and management of the facilities. The types of irrigation facilities that were constructed or rehabilitated were gravity, shallow tube well, small-water impounding, sprinkler irrigation system, drip irrigation system and rubber dam. These facilities serve to improve farm productivity, through the provision of steady irrigation water supply; increase the agricultural production through intensive farming; and establish an agricultural production basis in the ARCs.

This subcomponent covered 120 irrigation subprojects, which is 94% of the revised targets of 127 subprojects. The 120 subprojects are located in 42 provinces, 88 municipalities and 88 ARCs. The aggregate scope covered by the irrigation subprojects is 12,610.23 hectares, or 94% of the total targeted service area of 13,468.00 hectares.

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