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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Agrarian Reform

PBD MES & Library

Post-Harvest Facilities (PHFs)/Municipal Agrarian Information and Marketing Centers (AIM-Cs)

This covered the construction of PHFs to serve as warehouse, solar dryer, trading post and ARC-level processing facility in support of agribusiness development. It also provide for the construction of Municipal AIM-Cs which serve as venues for training and agricultural extension activities, product upgrading and labeling, market information exchange and other social community activities including as office space for the primary cooperatives.

Based on the revised target of 94 subprojects, 68 units (72%) were implemented. The total combined capacity of the warehouses constructed is 163,061 cavans, with a total aggregate warehouse are of 5,621 square meters. Two ARCs manifested their requirement for solar dryers, hence were provided with appropriate facilities.

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