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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Agrarian Reform

PBD MES & Library


Tulay ng Pangulo sa kaunlarang pang-agraryo

(TPKP) Project

Project Profile

Project Title: Tulay ng Pangulo para sa Kaunlarang Pang-Agrarayo (TPKP)

Donor : French Assisted

Executing Agency : Department of Agrarian Reform

Implementing Agency (IA) : Department of Public Works and Highways

                                             Unified Project Management Office (UPMO)
                                                Bridges Management  Cluster (BMC)

Loan Proceed : PhP 16,511,090,000.00

GOP: PhP 1,963,564,000.00

Total: PhP 18,474,564,000.00

Loan Signing: December 24, 2008

Project COST

Implementing Schedule:

Original Project Duration (5years) : March 2009 - December 2013

Extension thru DAR-DPWH-Matiere MOA :  January 2014 – December 2017

DAR-DPWH Amended MOA : January 2018 – December 2020

Revised Target Completion : December 2022

Original Physical Target : 418 Bridges

Revised Physical Target : 188 Bridges

Parent Locations : Agrarian Reform Communities (ARCs) and/or 

Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) Covered Areas

Project Duration

With lack of budget due to the lapsing of appropriations and limited time for project implementation, the DPWH, as the Implementing Agency, deemed it necessary to implement bridge projects that are most critical and necessary as well as those which are immediately implementable, considering proximity to on going DPWH projects and to the depots. As such, as agreed, instead of implementing more than 400 single-lane (SL) bridges to accommodate as many Congressional Districts as possible, the DPWH and DAR agreed to consider Double-lane (DL) bridges, whenever more feasible and necessary. Thus, of the 287 earlier endorsed bridges, only 188 bridges shall be completed. To date, 81 bridge projects are completed and 17 bridges on-going construction works and 90 are under various pre-construction stages (of the 90 pre-con., 15 for implementation this year). 

Project status: 2016 - present

Completed Projects

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