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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Agrarian Reform

PBD MES & Library

Italian Assistance to Agrarian Reform Community Development Support Program

About the project:

Co-program between Philippines and Italy in strengthening both peace and development in Mindanao.

The Program is in line to the

i) Millennium Development Goals, focused  on eradicating extreme poverty and hunger,

ii) the Medium Term Development Plan of 2004-2010, aiming to fight poverty through strategic measures geared to open up more economic opportunities, and

iii) Medium Term Development Plan of Agrarian Reform  coherent to the strategic measures of the government to strengthen the peace process in Mindanao through eradication of extreme poverty

Our Goal.jpg

Our Goal

Contribute in improving the living condition of 53,000 households in Region XII and the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) now Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM

March 23, 2011

April 11, 2011

December 28, 2013

October 31, 2021
(as revised)

Signed Memorandum of Understanding

Financial Agreement

Project Implementation

Project Completion

Project Milestone

Loan Effectivity: December 28, 2012
Loan Closing Date: April 11,2020  revised October 31, 2021
MoU Ratification of DFA: April 27, 2013
ICC-TB Approval: April 23, 2012
ICC-CC Approval: October 20, 2010
NEDA Board Approval: December 20, 2010
Monetary Board approval: October 13, 2011
DFA Note Verbale re: MoU Amendment: September 21, 2015
GOI confirmation of DFA Note Verbale: November 16, 2015

Project Time Extension: October 31, 2021 (revised)

Project Cost

Areas Covered by IARCDSP

53,000 Households

Target Beneficiaries:

18,000 ARBs


Loan Validity

  • Until October 31, 2021 (as revised)

  • Project time and loan validity extension approved by NEDA-ICC-TB

  • Awaiting ad referendum approval from NEDA-ICC-CabCom

Interest Rate

Loan has an interest rate of 0.15% per annum

Maturity Period

  • Maturity period is 21 years

  • Grace period of 10 years is implied

Agricultural Enterprise Development Support

Enterprise Development

Assistance to Farmers’ Organizations to create entrepreneurial activities and generate sustainable incomes to find a way out of poverty

Market Establishment

Development and commercialization of agricultural products

Environment Protection

Improving and nurturing natural resources and sustaining the developed physical and financial environment 

CARP Assistance

Support in sub-division of collective titles

Enhancing rural development services and improve competitiveness in the agricultural sector

Nourish the synergy and improve capability of farmers’ organizations and communities


Capacity and technical support to project implementers (LGUs and DAR)


Provide necessary office equipment and motor vehicles to enable support



Community Infrastructure Development Support

Rural Road System.png

Installing infrastructures to assist in livelihood logistics, planning, and sustenance

Improve connectivity and linkages of  farmer beneficiaries from farm to market

Rural Road System

Rehabilitation, extension, and development of small scale irrigation schemes to improve production


Caters potable water supply, post-harvest facilities, solar dryers, multi-purpose building, and day care facility for children 

Social Service Facilities

Program Management

DEPARTMENT OF AGRARIAN REFORM spearheads the execution and management of all the activities of this project with the funding support from the Government of Italy.

DAR takes charge with the coordination and supervision with different government sectors and local organizations to successfully realize this program to support the ARBs and all farming households in Region XII and BARMM

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