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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Agrarian Reform

PBD MES & Library


Eligible Projects

All projects that will be submitted to the NGAs for funding must contribute to the following national government priorities:

  • Provision of Basic Social Services and attainment of the MDGs, and poverty reduction;

  • Hunger mitigation and elimination;

  • Job generation and inclusive local economic development; and

  • Climate change adaptation/mitigation and disaster preparedness


Starting in FY 2015, the following projects shall NOT be proposed as GPB projects:

  • Projects below P5O0,000.00 (such projects may be proposed as LGU-implemented projects to be funded through the LGU counterpart for GPB);

  • Expansion of Pantawid Pamilya Program beneficiaries and Social Pension for indigent Senior Citizens;

  • Housing projects;

  • Materials recovery facility and landfills;

  • Vaccination program and National Health Insurance Program;

  • Construction of new school buildings and classrooms, deployment of additional teachers and construction of Rural Health Units;

  • Farm-to-market roads;

  • Projects related to law enforcement, fire protection, and jail management;

  • Construction of city/municipal hall, training centers, and other multi-purpose buildings,  and procurement of furniture and fixtures;

  • Purchase of motor vehicles, except those intended for rescue in times of disaster; and

  • International training/scholarship.

Menu of Programs and Projects

To guide the LPRATs in the identification and prioritization of eligible projects for inclusion in the NGAs GPB list, the participating NGAs have provided their respective Menu of Programs and Projects. In identifying projects to be funded by the participating NGAs, the LGUs are encouraged to identify priority Poverty reduction projects which may be implemented under these menus of programs and projects.


The DAR's existing programs and projects under the ’PBD are focused on the provision of or facilitation of access to the following support services: (Please refer to Annex D for the DAR's menu of programs and projects.)

Capacity development of ARBOs and ARB households particularly institutional strengthening and entrepreneurial development;

Rural enterprise projects related to the establishment of agri-based livelihood or businesses;

Agri-productivity enhancement projects, e. g. demonstration farms, nursery production, integrated pest management, improved technology adoption, etc.

Access facilitation to credit/micro-finance for individual ARBs and peoples' organizations;

Basic physical and social infrastructures, e. g., farm-to-market roads, bridges, irrigation projects/systems, post-harvest facilities, multi-purpose buildings/warehouses, solar driers, potable water systems, health centers, school buildings/’classrooms, among others, for the identified ARCs, ARC clusters and settlements covered under approved/on-going DAR foreign-assisted projects (FAPs).

The LPRATs, however, may still include projects outside of the menu if these projects are deemed urgently needed by the LGUs, provided that at least 90% of the LGU's budget cap shall be allocated for projects included in the menu. Up to 20% of the budget cap may be allocated for new projects, or outside of the menu but which are eligible in accordance with the list of eligible projects, as presented above.


Total funding for proposed BUB/GPB projects by each city and municipality from the NGAs shall not exceed the budget cap set for each of them. The budget cap is minimum of P8M and maximum of P30M for municipalities, and minimum of P8M and maximum of PSOM for cities.

Specifically, the RPRATs are expected to provide assistance and guidance in the:

  • Conduct of orientation-workshops for LPRA Coordination with Regional

  • Development Council (RDCs) and concerned Local Government Executives (LCEs) on final LPRAP projects;

  • Development of LPRAPs, and monitoring of activities and progress of submission of proposals and LPRAPs;
    Consolidation, review and validation of LPRAPs to ensure that the proposed projects are under the menu of programs and projects participating agencies and implementable; and LGU budget caps are not exceeded, among

As a member of the RPRAT, the DAR Regional, or his officially designated permanent or alternate representative who should be adequately in project planning, monitoring and evaluation, is expected to participate actively in all activities of RPRAT, which shall be convened by the DILG Regional Director. More importantly, he shall that the proposed projects 

Regional Poverty Reduction
Action Teams (RPRATs)

The NPRAT is composed of focal persons from the central Offices of the DBM, DILG, DSWD and NAPC.  It is responsible in reviewing proposals which are outside the Menu of Programs and Projects. The DARCO focal persons shall participate in the NPRAT's review of "rejected/non-implementable proposals” and discussion/resolution of policy and implementations, if any.

DARCO  and the National Poverty Reduction Action (NPRAT)

For FY 2013:
As required under JMC No. 1, participating NGAs set aside “at least 10% of the budgets for programs and projects included in the Menu of Programs”.  For DAR, a total amount of P507.897M, representing 10% of the proposed PBD (including FAPs) budget of PSB, was amount of BUB projects assigned to DAR, including DTI-CARP and NIA-CARP, was P1O3.368M only. DAR contribution of P62M, was sourced from the PBD budget.

The DAR submitted to DBM a request for realignment of funds, from MOOE to CO, last September 2013. To date DAR is still awaiting DBM approval of the realignment at of funds for thirteen (13) projects with a
consolidated project cost of P44.5M.

Funding  for  2013  BUB  projects  has  been extended  until  31  December  2014  through  the  House  of Representatives and Senate Joint Resolution No.1 dated 26 December 2013.

For FY 2014:
Funding for the BUB projects  is provided for in the 2014  GAA, specifically  under the DAR's MFO  4:
Technical Advisory Services (Support Services), Program 304020000: Support Services for ARBs (pages 55- 58 of the GAA), amounting to a total Of P475,712,450, comprising of P439,432,OOO Capital Outlays (CO) and P36,280,450 Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE), for 319 projects of 188 municipal I.GUs. In addition, under the DAR's Support to Operations, a total Of P14,271,000 has been provided to the  DAR  Provincial  Offices  concerned  for  the    ng and evaluation activities for BUB Projects (Program 200020000 in pages 23-25 of the GAA).    the GAA as the release document adopted starting
FY 2014, funding has been released to the DAR's ng Units,  i.e., the DAR Regional  Offices  and Provincial Offices, at the start of the fiscal year. (Annex E: List of 2014 BUB/GPB projects with corresponding  budget.)



If, after validation, a project is deemed not feasible for implementation, the project may be replaced with another project that can be implemented by DAR in the same city/municipality, provided that:

  • the replacement has been identified by the concerned LPRAT, which must reconvene for this purpose and coordinate with the DAR to ensure that the replacement is feasible for implementation;

  • the cost of the replacement should not exceed the budget provided for the original project; and

  • the replacement should be implemented by the same agency where the original project was included.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


 Replacement may only be allowed under any of the following conditions:

  • The project has been deemed not feasible for implementation by DARRO/DARPO/DARMO;

  • The project is located in city/municipality which was greatly affected by disasters in 2013.

  • The project is deemed not a viable (four agri-enterprise, livelihood, and similar projects) undertaking in terms of economic/financial returns and benefits, demand, etc.

If funding for the replacement  project shall require  ta realignment to funds, i.e., from MOOE to CO or CO to MOOE, from one object class to another within CO, or from one agency to another, the DAR should submit a letter-request to DBM specifying the specific project(s) to be replaced and the replacement project(s), and the corresponding funding requirement.

Project Replacement


In view of the expanded coverage in terms of area/number of participating municipal local government Units (LGUs), number of projects, and funding allocations under the GPB, the need for closer coordination and enhanced collaboration, not only among DAR central and field units concerned but also with the other project stakeholders, i.e., LGUs, CSOs, Oversight agencies, among others, is imperative to ensure effective and efficient implementation of the GPB under the DAR. Thus, this GPB Implementation Guidelines has been formulated, and may be amended as deemed necessary, for the guidance of the DAR-GPB coordinators and implementers.


Local Poverty Reduction Action Teams (LPRATs) and Local Poverty Reduction  Action Plans (LPRAPs) at the Municipal/City Level

Project identification shall be done through a planning process, institutionalized by the DBM, DILG, NAPC and DSWD, to be conducted by the city/municipal Local Poverty Reduction Action Teams (LPRATs), or the Enhanced Local Development Councils (LDCs) for cities/municipalities covered by KALAHI-CIDSS. The I-PRATs/E-LDCs shall identify the specific poverty reduction strategies to be undertaken by the city/municipal LGUs, and incorporate the same in the LPRAP. The LPRAT shall also identify priority poverty reduction projects through a consensus, or through majority vote, among its members, and ensure that priority poverty reduction projects must be within the approved menu of programs and projects of participating NGAs. During this planning phase, the DAR's representative/s to the LPRAT shall ensure that GPB projects proposed for implementation under the DAR are within the Department's menu of programs and projects, or, at the very least, within agrarian reform communities (ARCs), or in other agrarian reform areas where there are agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs), and thus, must contribute to the achievement of DAR's Program Beneficiary Development (PBD) objectives and deliverables, and, in general, to the Rural Development Sector Goal of poverty alleviation.

For this purpose, the DAR Provincial Offices (DARPOs) and Municipal Offices (DARMOs) concerned are expected to have readily available all relevant planning documents such as the updated ARC Development Plans (ARCDPS) and ARC Cluster Plans, and other relevant planning tools/documents, to provide reliable technical inputs to the LPRAT in the identification and prioritization of eligible projects for inclusion in the DAR's GPB list.

Further, the DARPO shall ensure that proposed GPB projects under DAR to be included in the LPRAPs are immediately validated and evaluated based on established eligibility criteria for CARP-funded projects.

Relevant provisions of the “Revised Guidelines in the Identification, Validation, Prioritization, Validation, Realignment, and Implementation of CARP Infrastructure Projects” (PARC Executive Committee Administrative Order No. 1, Series of 2007) shall be adopted specifically on project identification, validation and prioritization (Annex C).

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