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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Agrarian Reform

PBD MES & Library


ARC Related Documents

MC 02 Series of 1993

Prioritizing the Development and Transformation of DAR-Administered Settlements into Viable Agrarian Reform Communities 

MC 15 Series of 1994

Guidelines in the Development of ARC Development Facilitators (DFs)

MC 08 Series of 1998

Application of the Farming System Development (FSD) Approach in the Development of Agrarian Reform Communities (ARC)

MC 10 Series of 1998

Guidelines on the Establishment and Operation of the ARC Network

MC 05 Series of 1999

A Sustainable Rural Development Framework for Agrarian Reform Communities

MC 14 Series of 1999

Guidelines and Procedures Governing the Selection and Launching of Agrarian Reform Communities

MC 02 Series of 2000

Guidelines in the Classification of Existing and to be Launched ARVs Pursuant  to the Sustainable Rural Development Framework for Agrarian Reform Communities

MC 05 Series of 2006

Implementing Guidelines on Community Based Basic Social Services System Development Through Participatory Governance in Agrarian Reform Areas

MC 02 Series of 2007

Guidelines Governing the Identification / Selection / Confirmation of Special Agrarian Reform (SARC)

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